YAP proposal #139: More Crop per Drop: Data as Fertilizer (Malick Lingani, Burkina Faso)

The GFAiR Blog


It is not only in developed countries that the power of data is being leveraged. In the context of climate change, the young techies from Burkina Faso are shaping the future of irrigated agriculture. Because the problem they address is bold and because the approach they use is scientific, let’s look at the evidence.

Water management in a changing climate

The extreme weather events now recognized as ‘climate disruption’ severely affect agricultural production in the world. We are now witnessing longer droughts but also, in the opposite direction, drastic floods across the globe. In West Africa—Burkina Faso is in Sahelian country—it is the droughts that are plaguing our rural communities. It is estimated that between one and three tonnes of water are needed to produce one kilogram of rice (FAO). However, some Sahelian countries are below the 1,000 m3-per-capita threshold that defines water scarcity. Hence, water…

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